Elevating Customer Engagement: A Strategic Journey through our Welcome Rewards feature and Segmented Strategies

What is the Welcome Rewards feature by eWards?

Creating a seamless bridge between brands and potential customers, our innovative functionality empowers prospects to effortlessly scan QR codes, opening the door to a realm of exclusive benefits, including bonus points. The engagement doesn’t stop there. Upon their first visit to the store, members can scan the QR code, instantly earning bonus points. Beyond immediate rewards, these engaged individuals seamlessly integrate into a targeted marketing ecosystem. We strategically leverage their preferences to customize incentives, encouraging ongoing brand selection and shopping. This dual approach ensures not only a gratifying initial experience but also cultivates lasting relationships and sustained engagement with your brand.


1. Lead Generation and Data Acquisition:

   – By encouraging potential customers to scan QR codes, the feature facilitates seamless data collection. This translates to a growing pool of leads, with detailed information on customer preferences and contact details.

2. Instant Incentives Drive Conversion:

   – Offering bonus points as an immediate incentive creates a sense of instant gratification, significantly boosting the likelihood of conversion. This strategy not only attracts customers but also prompts them to take prompt action.

3. Targeted Marketing Opportunities:

   – Armed with valuable customer data, brands can strategically target individuals with personalised incentives. This tailored approach increases the relevance of promotional offers, enhancing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

4. Enhanced Customer Loyalty:

   – The bonus points act as a powerful tool for fostering customer loyalty. By rewarding customers for their engagement, brands create a positive feedback loop, encouraging repeat business and building long-term relationships.

5. Measurable ROI and Analytics:

   – The feature provides a clear pathway to measure Return on Investment (ROI). Brands can track the effectiveness of their campaigns through eWards’ analytics, gaining insights into customer behavior, redemption rates, and overall campaign performance.

6. Outlet-Specific Targeting:

   – The QR code feature allows brands to localize their incentives. By tying the QR code to specific outlets, brands can tailor campaigns to the unique dynamics of each location, optimizing their marketing strategy for different audiences.

7. Cost-Effective Marketing:

   – The feature optimises marketing spend by ensuring that incentives are directed towards individuals who have already shown interest. This results in a more efficient allocation of resources, maximising the impact of each marketing campaign.

8. Streamlined Customer Communication:

   – The feature facilitates ongoing communication with customers. Brands can use the incentive system to send targeted messages and promotions, keeping customers engaged and informed about the latest offerings.

How did eWards help Centro with their Welcome Rewards feature:

Improving the data collection process for potential customers, by using a QR code generated by the eWards system. QR codes were placed at every corner of their store. Potential customers fill out their details and get incentives in the form of bonus points. These customers were later gratified by targeting them with incentives to shop from Centro.

Impact – The pilot project was run for a month in 3 of their outlets. It proved to be a tremendous success in increasing their customer database substantially.

The average first-time billing of these new customers was almost 50% more than the existing customers.

What is BTL (Below the Line) Targeting?

The BTL targeting feature redefines localised engagement. By seamlessly dispatching electronic vouchers to customers within a specific radius, intricately linked to their mobile numbers, by transcending traditional marketing boundaries. The genius lies in the details—when these vouchers are redeemed, the system reports unveil a comprehensive revenue map. This means not just understanding the impact of individual activities but also gaining insights into the specific outlets where the coupons were redeemed.


1. Geo-Specific Precision:

   – Targeting customers within a defined radius ensures localised and contextually relevant campaigns.

2. Mobile Integration for Personalization:

   – Linking vouchers to mobile numbers facilitates personalised communication, enhancing customer engagement.

3. Redemption Tracking for ROI:

   – eWards reports enable comprehensive mapping of voucher redemptions, providing insights into the effectiveness of campaigns.

4. Revenue Visibility:

   – Understanding revenue generated from individual activities and specific outlets offers a holistic view of campaign success.

5. Optimised Marketing Spend:

   – By analysing revenue sources, businesses can allocate marketing resources more effectively, maximising return on investment.

6. Customer Behaviour Insights:

   – The feature provides valuable data on customer behaviour, helping refine future campaigns and strategies.

7. Outlet-Specific Performance Analysis:

   – Businesses gain a nuanced understanding of the performance of outlets where coupons are redeemed, allowing for targeted improvements.

8. Enhanced Reporting and Analytics:

   – Robust reporting tools offer detailed analytics, empowering businesses with actionable insights for continuous improvement.

How did eWards help Centro through BTL Targeting:

The entire voucher system was digitised using the eWards coupon module. Electronic vouchers were sent out to customers in the mall, which was linked to their mobile numbers. When the voucher was redeemed, the revenue could be mapped using eWards reports. This resulted in better targeting and helped them understand the revenue garnered from individual activities as well as outlets where the coupons were redeemed.

Impact – For the first time, Centro was able to map the revenue garnered from these campaigns and also reduce the overheads involved in running a campaign like this.

What is Segmented Targeting?

Segmented Campaigns feature is the compass for navigating personalised customer engagement. By harnessing the power of data, it creates dynamic customer segments based on various factors, such as shopping frequency, purchase history, and item preferences. Whether it’s VIP customers, first-time shoppers, or those with a penchant for specific products, then it meticulously crafts segments tailored to individual behaviours. Moreover it has personalised coupons, precisely aligned with each customer’s buying patterns and the last visit to the outlet. 


1. Precision Targeting:

   – Create finely tuned customer segments based on shopping frequency, allowing for personalised and relevant campaigns.

2. VIP Customer Recognition:

   – Identify and reward VIP customers, fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat business through exclusive offers.

3. First-Time Shopper Engagement:

   – Engage first-time shoppers with targeted incentives, increasing the likelihood of conversion and future patronage.

4. Tailored Incentives:

   – Personalized coupons based on past purchases ensure that incentives align with customers’ preferences, enhancing the effectiveness of promotions.

5. Behaviour-Driven Marketing:

   – Leverage insights into buying patterns and item preferences to craft campaigns that resonate with each customer segment.

6. Timing Optimization:

   – Target customers based on when they last shopped, ensuring timely promotions that align with their potential buying cycles.

7. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:

   – By offering relevant incentives, customers feel valued and understood, leading to increased satisfaction and brand loyalty.

8. Efficient Resource Allocation:

   – Focus marketing resources on segments with the highest potential for conversion, optimising budget utilisation.

9. Performance Measurement:

   – Evaluate the success of campaigns for each segment, enabling data-driven decisions and continuous improvement.

10. Long-Term Relationship Building:

    – Foster long-term relationships by consistently providing tailored promotions that cater to the evolving needs of different customer segments.

How did eWards help Centro with Segmented Targeting?

They used the eWards segmentation tool to create customer segments based on how frequently they shopped from Centro. Here multiple segments were made for example VIP customers, first-time shoppers, and segments based on how many items a customer bought.

These Customers were targeted using personalised coupons based on what they had bought from Centro and when they last shopped at the outlet.

Impact – This kind of targeting allowed the brand to run different campaigns for a different set of customers and saw a substantial increase in the average spend of customers who were targeted using these campaigns

Conclusion: Elevating Centro’s Growth Journey

In the dynamic realm of marketing technology, Centro’s journey serves as an illustrious example of strategic innovation and impactful outcomes. Through a comprehensive approach integrating QR-based campaigns, Below the Line (BTL) targeting, and finely tuned segmented strategies, we navigated Centro toward unparalleled success in customer acquisition and retention.

The QR-based campaign, acting as a digital gateway, not only elevated Centro’s brand visibility but also ignited heightened engagement. Our Below the Line targeting strategy, marked by precision and locality, strategically positioned electronic vouchers, generating a localised buzz and fostering a tangible connection with the audience.

The true game-changer, however, was our implementation of segmented targeting. By meticulously categorising Centro’s diverse audience, we crafted personalised messages that resonated profoundly, establishing a profound bond with each unique segment.