Rejuvenating Customer Relationships: Unveiling the power of Precision Marketing strategies

What is Customer Retention through Segmentation?

Customer retention through segmentation is a strategy that leverages grouping your existing customers based on shared characteristics to personalise your outreach and engagement efforts, ultimately encouraging them to return and make repeat purchases. It’s like dividing your audience into different rooms in a house, catering to each room’s unique preferences to foster loyalty and frequent visits.

Here are some examples of segmentation for customer retention:

  • Segment by purchase history: Offer exclusive discounts on favourite items or recommend similar products.
  • Segment by demographics: Send birthday wishes or local event invitations.
  • Segment by behaviour: Offer loyalty points bonuses for inactive customers or invite frequent visitors to exclusive tasting events.


1. Increased Profits and ROI:

  • Targeted Outreach: By focusing on high-value customer segments, you send relevant offers and recommendations, leading to higher conversion rates and increased sales. Think laser-focused marketing instead of a shotgun approach.
  • Reduced Churn: Engaged and valued customers are less likely to leave. Segmentation helps identify at-risk customers and tailor retention strategies for them, minimising churn and maximising customer lifetime value (CLTV).
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Analyse customer data through segmentation to understand purchase patterns, predict future behaviour, and personalise pricing strategies. This allows you to optimise pricing and promotions for maximum profitability.

2. Enhanced Customer Engagement and Loyalty:

  • Personalised Interactions: When customers receive messages that resonate with their needs and preferences, they feel valued and connected to your brand. This fosters loyalty and encourages repeat business.
  • Relevant Incentives: Segmentation allows you to offer targeted rewards and incentives that truly appeal to each customer segment. This motivates them to engage with your brand, participate in loyalty programs, and spend more.
  • Stronger Customer Relationships: By understanding your customers better, you can tailor your communication to their individual personalities and preferences. This builds stronger relationships and creates a more positive brand experience.

3. Improved Marketing Efficiency and Effectiveness:

  • Precise Targeting: Segmenting your audience allows you to allocate marketing resources more effectively, focusing your efforts on those most likely to respond. This saves you money and maximises the impact of your campaigns.
  • Campaign Optimization: Analyse campaign performance across different segments to identify what works and what doesn’t. This data-driven approach allows you to continuously refine your campaigns for better results.
  • Churn Prediction: By identifying patterns in customer behaviour, you can predict those at risk of churning. This allows you to proactively engage with them and implement targeted retention strategies before they leave.

4. Competitive Advantage:

  • Standing Out from the Crowd: In a crowded marketplace, personalization is key. Segmentation allows you to deliver messages that stand out from generic blasts, differentiating your brand and attracting new customers.
  • Building Brand Advocacy: Loyal customers become brand advocates, recommending your products or services to others. Segmentation helps you nurture these relationships and encourage word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Adapting to Change: Customer needs and preferences evolve over time. Segmentation allows you to stay ahead of the curve by tailoring your offerings and communication to these changes


  • Targeted Audience: Identifying high-value customers was crucial. Using our powerful Segmentation Engine, we honed in on Ozora’s top spenders – those with a loyalty balance of 500 credits or above. This laser-focused targeting ensured the campaign reached customers most likely to engage.
  • Personalised Reminders: Generic blasts wouldn’t do. Leveraging customer data, we crafted personalised Instant Messages reminding customers of their loyalty rewards and tempting them with enticing offers. These were not just digital nudges, but messages tailored to individual preferences and past culinary experiences.
  • Instantaneous Connection: Understanding the immediacy of mobile interactions, we chose Instant Messages as the communication channel. With a near-instantaneous open rate and a proven track record of high conversion rates, this platform ensured our message reached customers directly, when they were most receptive.

How did eWards help OZORA?

The impact was undeniable. Within a two-week span, Ozora witnessed a remarkable 50% increase in returning visits from targeted customers. This surge in repeat business speaks volumes about the effectiveness of our data-driven strategy.

What was the revenue that the brand made from this low-cost highly-efficient campaign?

The net return on campaign cost was 1508x of the money spent on communication. 10X revenue was generated on each wallet redemption. This helped the brand to guarantee repeat visits and curb the brand’s ability to shell instant discounts to acquire customers and dilute brand value.

Beyond the Numbers:

  • Customer Rekindled: Ozora successfully reconnected with valuable customers, reminding them of the positive experiences they enjoyed and prompting them to return. This nurtured loyalty and strengthened brand affinity.
  • Data-Driven Insights: The campaign generated valuable data about customer preferences and response patterns. Ozora can now leverage these insights to personalise future interactions and further refine its marketing strategy.
  • ROI Magnified: By focusing on high-value customers, the campaign delivered a significant return on investment. Increased repeat visits translated to higher revenue and customer lifetime value.

Conclusion: Ozora Rekindles the Flame with Precision Marketing

Partnering with eWards, Ozora adopted a strategic data-driven approach, segmenting top customers and using high-conversion Instant Messages. This resulted in a remarkable 50% increase in repeat visits within two weeks.

With a 1508x net return on campaign cost, Ozora reaped substantial financial gains, achieving an impressive 10x revenue per wallet redemption. Shifting from instant discounts to personalized engagement with high-value customers, they bolstered loyalty and protected brand value.

This retention-focused strategy reignited customer enthusiasm, ensuring a steady stream of returning patrons and fostering long-term relationships, setting Ozora on a path to sustainable growth and brand stability.

Ozora’s success emphasizes the pivotal role of precision marketing. Leveraging data insights and crafting personalized experiences empower businesses to unlock unparalleled customer engagement, revenue growth, and brand loyalty, offering a roadmap for enduring success.